Affirmation of Faith
Over the past few months, the Episcopal Church of the Incarnation has incorporated this Affirmation of Faith into our regular Sunday services. Members of the Pastoral Search Committee have embraced this Affirmation as indicative of our values as a congregation.
Affirmation of Faith*
We believe God is Love
And from Love, all things are born.
No creature or creation
Falls outside of God’s eternal embrace.
We believe forces of
domination and destruction,
control and greed,
prejudice and violence,
pervade our lives,
seeking to turn us against one another,
against the earth,
and against the Spirit of the Liberating Christ.
We believe we depend on God,
the remembrance of our ancestors,
the courage of the prophets,
and the wisdom that can only flow from the margins,
in order to grow in Love.
We believe in the power of God,
to make what seems impossible possible.
We believe in the Good News
that sets the captives free.
We believe in proclaiming the truths
that unsettle unjust power
and encourage collective liberation.
We proclaim
that Black Lives Matter and that white supremacy is sin.
that queer love is divine.
that trans bodies are beautiful.
that immigrants must be welcomed.
that women have rights to full bodily autonomy.
that the earth must be protected.
that the rich “shall be sent away empty.”
that all bodies are good bodies.
And we celebrate our siblings of other faiths and spiritualities.
We proclaim these truths in aspiration that we might learn to live them in full.
We recognize, still, other truths remain hidden,
and we pray we may continue to grow in understanding,
in love for all our neighbors,
in hunger for justice,
and in the steadfast practice of our faith.
Based on material by Rev. M. Jade Kaiser,