About Episcopal Church of the Incarnation
The Episcopal Church of the Incarnation in Ann Arbor was founded in 1984 by a group of lay people who believed they could develop a church by committing themselves to service and advocacy with the poor and oppressed in our community and beyond.
As a Spiritual Community, The Episcopal Church of the Incarnation Is:
Radically welcoming. We open our arms to people of all ages, races, economic backgrounds, genders, sexual orientations, and people from a wide range of spiritual experiences and beliefs. We have been a welcoming and affirming LGBTQ-inclusive church since our founding. We actively affirm that Jesus’ message is grounded in the sacredness of each individual and in the sacredness of our natural world.
Active and contemplative. From our inception, members of Incarnation have answered a prophetic call to create positive change in the world. At the same time, as a community Incarnation nourishes our deep need for centering and silence, and our desire for wisdom. We also recognize that each person responds to their own spiritual calling, and to the larger world, in their own, unique way.
Ministry Highlight: Where Creation Care Meets Housing Those in Need
Our Creation Care Committee hosts and engages in community action, including lobbying at the local, state, and national levels.
Our Building and Grounds Committee doubles as our "Green Team" and works in concert with Creation Care's values. We recently installed air-source heat pumps and solar panels on our church building, reducing both our carbon footprint and our energy bills. We carry our environmental stewardship focus to our five acres of land, where we are removing invasive species and planting native trees and plants. We have also been making footpaths through our woods, so that children and adults alike can appreciate the land.
We own an adjacent house that we have recently updated, including installing "Green" air-source heat pumps. We are making this house available now to people in need of housing, such as refugees. In this project, we will have a marriage of missions/ministries.